On July 15th we set out to break a world record...
Here's What Happened

On July 15, 2017 we set out to break the world record for most people handstanding at one time. For over 10 years, the record has been held by a Belgian group with an impressive total of 399.

So on a sunny Saturday in Dolores Park, the group assembled. As the crowd filed into the designated area, the suspense was palpable. Would we have enough? As the last person joined us, we cast a nervous glance at our counters… "349!", they told us. We needed 50 more people! But a group of Handstanders is a powerful thing. Not to be deprived of their glory, the entire group called to their neighbors on the hill. "Break a world record! Break a world record! Break a world record!" And that is how we set a world record. By inspiring action from masses of park-goers otherwise enjoying a day of leisure. By challenging those on their blankets to take part in history rather than watch it go by. By asking every person to treat complete strangers as a team and accomplish a shared goal.

Now we wait. The photos are in. The names collected. The drone footage examined. We've submitted our application to Guinness and we await their approval. They're a slow moving bunch, but feel free to give Guinness some encouragement. Regardless of what they say, we know that July 15th was a special day.

Big Thanks To:
Rory Brennan
Rick Shaffer
Sean Alonso
Elese Moran
Ian Tuttle
And Our Handstanding Partners At:
The Great List Of Handstanders
Aaron Martinez
Abraham Marmolejo
Adam Blumer
Aditya Joshi
Adrian Abundes
Alan Montelongo
Aleida Olvera
Alejandro Gomez
Alejandro Carrasco
Alex Cheng
Alex Armenta
Alexandra Makris
Alexandra Marchesano
Alexis Rebane
Ali Fauci
Alice Sergent
Alina Liu
Alishah Momin
Amanda Batten
Amy Thomson
Anastasia Sauvage
Andre Yee
Andrea Plell
Andrew Cheong
Andrew Altman
Andrew Garcia
Andrew Li
Andy Lutz
Anna Breu
Anna Malone
Anne Awaya
Annie Greenslade
Annika Kim
Anthony Castrio
Arthur Hong
Asako Hayase
Ashley Wynn
Augustine Wiah
Belen Gonzalez Martinez
Ben Atkin
Ben Lambert
Ben Schaefer
Ben Nagar
Ben Zagorsky
Bennett Mcintosh
Bethlayne Hansen
Blake Ramsay
Blake Kaplan
Brandon Kerr
Brandon Beach
Bren Veziroglu
Brenda Thompson
Brian Cary
Brooklyn Peterson
Caitlin Mulrooney
Cameron Malagar
Candace Frazier
Candise Ise
Carlos Gomez Gallego
Casey Coviello
Casey Braun
Cassie Stuurman
Cat Fougere
Charisse Sumoba
Charlie Kannel
Chloe Huang
Chloe Stotler
Chris Atkinson
Chris Georges
Chris Bate
Christa Simone
Christian Hansen
Christian Renfro
Christina May
Christine Lee
Christine Yoo
Christoper Barros
Ciore Taylor
Claire Howard
Colin Heilbut
Colleen King
Colten Roderigue
Conner Chadwick
Connor Ashenbrucker
Connor Green
Corey Breier
Crystal Loucel
Dani Sangster
Dani Hu
Daniel Pryce
Daniel Chiu
Daniel Spencer
Danielle Lagana
Daria Sinichenko
David Depto
David Garczynski
David Buckman
David Carter
Debby Wallach
Delila Santos
Dhruv Sagar
Diana Zhao
Dominic Gianatiempo
Drew Thomas
Dylan Gleadall
Dylan Peterson
Edgar Urrutia
Edward Terry
Elaina Mastrilli
Elaine Lin
Eleni Kardaras
Elese Moran
Elijah Jennett
Eliyahu block
Emily Greenslade
Emily Wiener
Emma Weideling
Eric Tong
Erich Schloss
Erin Conn
Eva Gibson
Evan Fuller
Gabe Wasserman
Gabriel Grant
Gautam Sodera
Genevieve Alavera
George Davis
George Lu
Gil Levy
Gloria Chua
Grace Guang
Grant Draper
Grant Shaffer
Greg Lyons
Gregory Weidert
Gyan Prakash
Hava McCarter-Ribakoff
Heidi Holomoe
Helga Holoubek
Holly Richardson
Hope McGovern
Ian Nathan
Ian Larson
Ian Wiseman
Illina Frankiv
Imma De La Cruz
Irma Taborga
Jacob Buckman
Jacob Stephens
Jacqueline Benigno
Jake Correa
Jake Kiesel
James Allworth
James Peo
James Jordan
James Nguyen
Janice Maloney
Jason Erickson
Jason Fukuta
Jason Guillory
Jason Green
Jason Moring
Jay Zelenkov
Jayson Solar
Jean Umel
Jeanita Artz
Jeff Weitzman
Jeffrey Huang
Jemelle Whitaker
Jen Whiddon
Jenna Wienbar
Jennifer Benson
Jennifer Whiddon
Jeremy Vik
Jeremy Shefer
Jesse Pascoe
Jessica Dinitz
Jessica Centorbi
Jill Kuzman
Jillian Newman
Jim Coviello
Jocelyn Wicker
Joe Marchuk
Joe Latuga
Joe Maloof
Joe Vandecar
Joel Stern
Joel Lee
John Kline
John Herber
John Lindstrom
John Macaloloy
Jon Fox
Jonas Sicking
Jonathan Choi
Jonathan Parra
Jordan Jones
Joseph Milbury
Josh Gunter
Josh Zipin
Juan Ortiz
Julia Zelenoova
Julian Bergstein
Julianne Larkin
Julie Tran
Julius Fuhrmann
Jupiter Rain
Justin Neustadter
Justin Liang
Justin Javier
Justin Neiman
Kady Gill
Karen Choi
Karen Halstead
Karla Ocampo
Kat McLain
Kate Deangelis
Kayli Marshall
Keith Dunlap
Kenan Frager
Keren Swergold
Kevin Vonderheide
Kevin Murph
Kevin Kane
Kimmy Cianci
Kirtan Patel
Kris Mcintosh
Kristen Leung
Kristi Romero
Kristina Traeger
Kyle McCrocklin
Kyle Sewell
Kyler Evitt
Laila Mourad
Lance Stukaloff
Laura D'Asaro
Lauren Weisenstein
Lemuel Haham
Lena Gratz
Lenny Maughan
Leopold Wambersie
LeSean Payne
Leslie Ho
Leslie Rogers
Lilah Sklove
Lily Cardiner
Lily Billings
Linda Hoang
Lindsay Tyson
Lindsay Lees
Lindsey Ragatz
Lisa Gluckstein
Lisa Weitzman
Lizzie Glenn
Louise Wo
Luke Bertolet
Luke Goodman
Lydia Ely
Maddy Gill
Madeline Ritchie
Madison Huynh
Manny Ojobaro
Manuel Chirouze
Marciano Pimentel
Margaret Levine
Maria Joseph
Maria Pereira Luppi
Mark Gibson
Mark Colley
Mark Kim
Matt Wei
Matteo Gomez
Matthew Starr
Matthew Schmitz
Matthew McGrigor
Max Cornell
Maya Tucker
Meagan Barnard
Meaghan Wilbur
Megan Pouliot
Melissa Blizzard
Melissa Sackett
Mette Joergensen
Michael Duarte
MIchael Chann
Michael Phillips
Michael Cohn
Michalla Moss
Mike Duffield
Miles Yucht
Mischa Byruck
Mohammed Alkadi
Mollie Gollos
Molly Weitzman
Momchil Peychev
Morgan Byce
Natalia Hernandez
Nathan Stender
Neil Sethi
Nicholas Hunter
Nicholas Fahrenkrog
Nick Vandehey
Nikhil Agrawal
Nikita Vasilyev
Nikita Bawa
Nikola Ivanovic
Olesya Shayduk-Immerman
Oliver Han
Omeed Moghadam
Paloma Torres
Patrick Tomsu
Paul Pluguez
Paul Fuller
Payum Vossoughi
Peter De Boursac
Philip McCready
Piotr Muskalski
Preston Segura
Primrose Lam
Puma Moves
Pushpa Prakash
Quentin Williams
Quincy Nelson
Rachel Franks
Raina Kishan
Ramon Tran Tang
Ramsin Yacoob
Ranjeev Mahtani
Ravi Levens
Razi Shaban
Rebecca Johnson
Reid Kovacs
Reyna Rosario
Ricardo Horna
Ricardo Garcia
Rick Shaffer
Riguela Tari
Rob Poole
Robert Barron
Robert Lewis
Robert Lee
Robin Saulsbury
Robin Zander
Robin Landis
Roger Dimamd
Rohit Rathi
Rory Brennan
Rowan Brown
Russell Wiley
Ryan Hamaguchi
Sahar Aminipour
Salem Hararah
Sally Chen
Sam Goldstein
Sam Garnett
Sam Richards
Samia Zaidi
Sammy Demarais
Samy Peyret
Sapan Shah
Sapeksha Vemulapati
Sara Allan
Sarah Kim
Sarah Halstead
Sarath Suon
Scott Anderson
Sean Simmons
Sean Snyder
Sebastian Ortiz
Seth Cordts
Sharee Miller
Shelbey Rogers
Shinyoung Park
Shira Yaziv
Shirin Mavandad
Simone Kovago
Siyao Xie
Sohil Nandu
Sonya Malveaux
Sophia Li
Stacey Hronowski
Stacy Castner
Stella Pfahler
Stephanie Phipps
Stephen Loucel
Sterling Springgate
Steve Yang
Steve Barbieri
Steve O'Rourke
Sydney Speizman
Syed Rahman
Sylvia Coronado
Tanaya Deb
Tanner Pikop
Tara Gibson
Tel Mears
Thomas Greenspan
Thomas Van Hentenryck
Tiffany Quan
Toby Price
Tod Barnett
Tomas Torres
Tori Thompson
Tremayne Wilkins
Trever Brunelli
Triet Dang
Trina Ohms
Valo Kalvan
Vanessa Nash-Spangler
Vanessa Gibson
Vatra Amidzich
Venu Gopol
Vicky Nguyen
Vikash Nandekeshwar
Wes Chao
Wendi Liu
William Alonso
Winny Tang
Xander Groeneveld
Xiaofan Fang
Zan Armstrong
Zaneta Cha
Zitta Andersen
Zoe Lam
Anonymous One
Anonymous Two
Anonymous Three
Anonymous Four
Anonymous Five
Anonymous Six
Anonymous Seven
Anonymous Eight
Anonymous Nine

So Why Did We Do This?

Because we needed this! Have you ever read those news stories about really successful 20 & 30 somethings and think, "Wow, what have I done with my life?" Well now we have an answer: we helped set a world f*cking record.

Grey Wave
Our Mission
Together we create challenging and playful experiences to inspire people to push their limits and deepen their connections with one another.
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